Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Preventing Costly ER Trips with a Preventive Dentist in Macomb, MI

If there’s anything you can take away from the overwhelming results of the study, it’s the importance of regular visits to your family dentist in Macomb, MI. With basic dental treatments like cleanings and oral exams, you can prevent the development of cavities and oral abscess. You can also avoid the costly and sometimes unnecessary ER visits and hospital admissions.

Cavities- or dental caries- result from the substances that teeth encounter on a daily basis. Bacteria in the mouth cause sugary foods to create acids, which attack the surface of the teeth and deplete the minerals therein. Frequent acid exposure wears the teeth’s surface down and produces painful decays or cavities.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Dentist in Macomb, MI Lets You Sport a Sensational Smile on the Job

For a more comprehensive cosmetic transformation, your dentist may recommend a smile makeover. Dental implants, in particular, replace missing or severely broken teeth in case dentures, which can be uncomfortable and possibly embarrassing in the workplace, are not a preferred option. Coupled with other restorative and cosmetic treatments for a smile makeover, dental implants can bring about the kind of dramatic improvement you need.

You can count on experienced dentists in Macomb, MI like Dr. Mark DeVuyst, DDS to help you attain that charismatic and possibly career-changing smile you’ve always wanted. Land that important deal or that coveted position in style with a smile makeover.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Dentist in Macomb, MI Discusses WHO Plan to Cut Daily Sugar Intake

Studies have linked sugar to various health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and dental caries. With the average American consuming about 130 lbs of sugar every year, even global institutions like the World Health Organization have reason to be alarmed by this upward trend in sugar intake.

Professional dentists in Macomb, MI like Dr. Mark DeVuyst, DDS may also point out that it’s a bit unfair to say that sugar is a curse for teeth. The problem has never been in what people eat but rather how much of it they take. The average adult consumes 22 teaspoons daily, more than twice the America Heart Association’s recommendation of 9.5 teaspoons daily.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Trusted Dentists in Macomb, MI Help Young Sportsmen Keep Their Smiles

As much as involvement in sports is something to be happy about, it brings a different problem to athletes’ mouths everywhere: chipped teeth. This is explained further by Avery Johnson of The Wall Street Journal:

    “Edmond Hewlett, vice chairman of UCLA’s Division of Restorative Dentistry, says chips aren’t usually cause for great medical concern and your smile can almost always be returned to normal.

    The enamel on the edges of teeth is brittle and slivers can cleave off with the right impact, Dr. Hewlett says. Front teeth are especially at risk because they are “kind of hanging out there over the bottom teeth.” For back teeth, a big culprit is hard foods—candy or bones hidden inside food. Also, dental work can weaken teeth, making them more inclined to chip. There are degrees of severity. When just the enamel is broken off, “it looks terrible but feels OK,” he says.”

Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Trusted Dentist in Macomb, MI Can Perform Oral Cancer Screenings

Dental plaque is the main cause of cavities and gum disease, and if it not removed daily through brushing and flossing, can harden into tartar. Aside from staining the teeth, tartar can also irritate the gum tissues and provide a sticky surface for dental plaque to adhere to. Dentists counter tartar buildup by thoroughly scaling and polishing the teeth, which not only restores the appearance of the teeth, but also prevents tooth decay and tooth loss.

The American Dental Association recommends that all adults undergo periodic oral cancer screenings, and dentists can perform oral cancer screenings for patients during regular dental visits. A trusted dentist in Macomb, MI may use additional tests to identify areas of abnormal cells in the patient’s mouth. While the majority of abnormal sores in the mouth are noncancerous, further testing (in a procedure known as a biopsy) will determine if the abnormal sores in the mouth are indeed cancerous.